טקסטים לכתיבה בתגובות
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לא כל הזמן אותו המשפט כי זה נראה כמו בוט ואינסטגרם יחסמו אתכן.
הפעולות שיגבירו חשיפה על בצורה מיטבית הן: תגובה, לייק, שמירת הפוסט/סרטון וצפייה בו עד הסוף.
תעתיקו משפטים שאתן מתחברות אליהן ותגיבו בפוסטים של משפיענים תומכים בלבד!!!
Dancing with dead bodies in the streets. Raping young girls and killing babies on camera with load laughs is PURE BARBARISM. #HAMASISIS
There’s still so many families desperately waiting to hear the fate of their loved ones, not knowing if they're alive or dead, or hostages. #HAMASISIS
40 babies were found beheaded and burned. Beheaded and burned. #HAMASISIS
People of the world we need your help please. We’re going through true HOLOCAUST! #HAMASISIS
Let the world know that Hamas murdered babies, children, elders, raped our daughters and kidnapped over 150 people! #HAMASISIS
They are holding hostage innocent people that their only crime was being Israeli. #HAMASISIS
They brutally murdered entire villageals in their own homes. #HAMASISIS
These are not freedom fighters, these are barbarians. #HAMASISIS
Stand with Israel and our right to defend our home ! #HAMASISIS
Let the world know that Hamas = isis and they won’t stop here, they will come for you in your homes in the future and won’t stop until their mission is complete. #HAMASISIS
Hamas = ISIS. First they want to destroy Israel and then the entire world. #HAMASISIS
Hamas is a group whose stated purpose of being is to kill jews! #HAMASISIS
More than 1200 civilians were slaughtered. A brutal massacre! #HAMASISIS
Kidnapping holocaust survivors from their beds and holding them hostage is not called “a freedom fight”. #HAMASISIS
His idea of freedom and involves the rape of women, the murder of children and the beheading of babies.
More than 1200 civilians were slaughtered. A brutal massacre! #HAMASISIS
Cowardly war crimes upon civilians are happens in our country. The heart breaks. #HAMASISIS
Hamas will be held accountable and pay for its crimes. #HAMASISIS
Rape is NOT resistance! #HAMASISIS
Murdering babies and abusing the bodies of women and innocent people are only a small part of the terrible actions of Hamas against Israel. This is not a nightmare, this is our unimaginable reality. Please stand with Israel. #HAMASISIS
Imagine a reality where hundreds of your friends are murdered in front of you during a music festival. Sound like a horror movie? This is what happened in Israel last Saturday by Hamas. Please stand with Israel. #HAMASISIS
Palestinians Freedom Fighters? Think Again. #HAMASISIS
Hamas has stressed in its Charter that its goal is to kill all Israelis and destroy Israel in the name of Islamic Jihad. #HAMASISIS
This is no war between the oppressed and the oppressor! #HAMASISIS
Their main target for years is killing Israelis and the total destruction of the state of Israel. This is a radical Islamic ISIS-like organization. #HamasisISIS
The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is caused mainly by Hamas, and its victims are Palestinians living in Gaza. #HAMASISIS
One must understand - there is no room for peace talks with an ISIS-like terror organization that doesn’t recognize your existence and acts in the name of Jihad. Not freedom fighting, an Islamic Jihad.
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Young women, teenagers, have been raped while they lay next to the corpses of their dead sisters. Children have been murdered in front of their parents and siblings. Babies have been beheaded. Over a hundred have been kidnapped, and even burned alive. ALL ON CAMERA. To be paraded online for the whole world to see. #HAMASISIS
To see and to celebrate, or to stay silent. #HAMASISIS
This is our reality. This is what it has meant to be a Jew. To be attacked everywhere we go, in our homeland, and now even in our homes. Literally at home in our beds. #HAMASISIS
War crimes and murdered toddlers are not a "complex political situation" with "two sides." You can have any political opinion you want and still believe that jihadist terrorists abducting 85-year-old. #HAMASISIS
Holocaust survivors should be condemned. Conflating those two things only gives credence to the idea that violence against Jews is political; violence against anyone else is unquestionably evil. #HAMASISIS
These crimes were individual to individual. Terrorist to child. Terrorist to young girl. Terrorist to senior citizen. This barbarism is striking. #HAMASISIS
Killing innocent Israelis is horrific. If you don't feel the same way, ask yourself why. #HAMASISIS
40 babies were brutally murdered. These acts go beyond politics and are unjustifiable.
No political stance or beliefs can justify heinous acts of violence. It's not difficult to see that if you are a human being. #HAMASISIS
Israel has the most humane military in the world. we never hurt civilians. We do everything in our power to make sure that they're not harmed. #HAMASISIS
Even now in times of war, when we have our loved ones, being captive in Gaza, we never bomb hospitals. We never bomb religious centers, and we make sure that schools are never in harms way. in the Israeli prisons There are a many Hamas terrorists. That's true- but They are all adults. There are no kids, There are no toddlers, there no women . Israel obeys by international law to make sure that all her prisoners can go to University get food can connect with their loved ones can get mail and send mail. They are being treated according to the Geneva law. #HAMASISIS
This is the exact opposite of what is happening right now, where Hamas kidnapped children, women and elderly that are being captive with no humane conditions #HAMASISIS
It must be the easier choice to remain silent, but as an Israeli women, I can tell you that none of this is easy for us. I would like to address you woman to woman and ask for your support. the events that happened in Israel in the past few days are horrific. it's above politics. There are young women, children, elderly people that were kidnapped into the Gaza Strip, and are now being held captive without water without food possibly being raped, abused, tormented. the world must know! the world must hear the truth. #HAMASISIS
I can't imagine how hard it is to voice the your opinion in these hard times. as an Israeli women all I can say is that we are very appreciative of any kind of support we can get - as our children and women are kept captive in Gaza. #HAMASISIS
I really appreciate your post of support in Israel. During this hard time I would like to share the perspective I have as a women who live here and raises her kids here: we've woken up on Saturday to learn that terrorist invaded civilian villages and held families, captive, hostage, and later kidnapped - elderly women, children, babies, and young women. hamas terrorists brought them to Gaza Strip where they are being tormented. #HAMASISIS
At the moment we are standing in front of the world and asking it to hear our plea to understand that what is happening now is not politics, it's genocide. We appreciate any support you can give and I'd love to share more of my experience with you. #HAMASISIS
Hamas indiscriminately massacred and kidnapped innocent Israeli civilians, causing the single deadliest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust. #HAMASISIS
This is akin to Israel’s 9/11. For perspective, Saturday’s carnage was equivalent to the U.S. losing roughly 35,000 civilians. #HAMASISIS
Caging kidnapped children is not an act of liberation. Parading the bodies of dead women will not support the Palestinian cause. #HAMASISIS
The root cause of this unprovoked attack is Hamas’s refusal to recognize Israel’s right to exist and its explicit call to annihilate the Jewish people. #HAMASISIS
Hamas deliberately timed its attack to coincide with a holy Jewish holiday and the Sabbath, targeting Jews in a time of celebration and declaring war against the Jewish people. #HAMASISIS
Downplaying Hamas’s true nature is sanitizing a barbaric atrocity committed against civilians. #HAMASISIS
Over the past days, we have all watched in horror as Hamas terrorists brutally murdered families in their homes, over 200 young people at a music festival and kidnapped elderly women, toddlers and children.
Leaders across the world have, in unison, condemned these horrific events. They have made it very clear that there is no justification, no legitimacy for acts of terrorism. #HAMASISIS
Beyond what is happening in Israel, there has been a wave of hatred across the world which threatens the safety of Jewish people everywhere. There have been vile chanting on the streets - “gas the jews”, “kill the jews”. #HAMASISIS
Leaders, including the German Chancellor and British Prime Minister, have spoken against this spread of violence and have made it clear that they stand with Israel. The German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock warned “This day marks a turning point, an unprecedented act of escalation by Hamas”. There is absolutely no doubt amongst political leaders in the Western world that the hostage-taking by Hamas was “abhorrent and a violation of international humanitarian law”. #HAMASISIS
Both sides, Israel and Palestine, have nothing to win from this situation. History has shown us that Jews are targeted in response to actions in the Middle East. Two Israel tourists in Egypt were murdered by a police man, a Jewish owned restaurant in London was vandalised and the windows smashed. #HAMASISIS
Your voice is power. Be on the right side of history. #HAMASISIS
"Israel has the most humane military" - I can tell you that people don't believe this and it doesn't matter. What matters is that they brutally murdered innocent civilians including children. #HAMASISIS
We need to be careful to go on the defensive of what our country does in response. Palestinians will die in the next days, and many already have - but that is not what we're discussing. #HAMASISIS
For more than 4000 years Jews have lived in Israel. Archeological and transcripts are everywhere!
Israel & Jerusalem are mentioned in the Bible endless amount of time!!! Guess how many times Israel or Palestine are mentioned in the Quran? ZERO
טקסטים עם נימוקים היסטוריים
The history of Jews in Israel and Judea (nowdays West) spans thousands of years. Here's a brief overview: Ancient Israel and Judea: The origins of the Jewish people are traced back to the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judea, which existed in the region now known as Israel and the West Bank. These kingdoms are mentioned in biblical texts, and they are the actual birth and development of the Jewish religious and cultural identity.Judaism motherland Israel and Judea (nowadays west bank and PLO territories) is one of the world’s oldest monotheistic religions. its origins can traced back occurred around 2000 BCE! Islam, on the other hand, was founded in the 7th century CE. It was established by the Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century CE in what is now Saudi Arabia.
To call the establishment of a sovereign state for the Jewish people, which was approved by a historic UN vote, an "occupation" is a complete disregard of the historical facts in favor of circulating a false narrative. Want to talk about the historical context? Let's do it. Along with the vote on the establishment of a Jewish state, the UN voted and approved the establishment of a Palestinian state. Where is she today?! I will tell you - the Arab leaders rejected the proposal. A Jewish state was established on the territories of the mandate, which struggled from its first day for its survival. The West Bank territories belonged to Jordan and Gaza to Egypt - why wasn't a Palestinian state established there until 1967? Because the Arab world has never cared about the assembly of Arabs who live there. Just as they don't care today about the refugee camps that are in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. The Arab Palestinians who live in the territory of the State of Israel are the Muslims who receive the most extensive human rights in the Middle East, and the descriptions of apartheid are only meant to perpetuate hatred and suffering.
Israel withdrew from Gaza almost 20 years ago, and since then, almost throughout this respectable period, this small area has been under the terror grip of Hamas, whose connection to "freedom" does not exist! If you want to listen to the plight of the Palestinians, free them from the clutches of this terrorist organization, which murders, rapes, loots and harms its own citizens. Israel, meanwhile, is the one that delivers humanitarian equipment, water, electricity and basic aid to the region. The Palestinians in Gaza have never lived in Israel. The peaceful villages that were destroyed, looted and burned less than a week ago were never inhabited by a single Palestinian. This is cheap propaganda designed to divert the discussion from the grim reality: Hamas is preventing Gaza from being its home for the Palestinian people, and all they want to do is destroy the entire State of Israel for the benefit of their jihad.
The year is 2005. Israel pulls out of Gaza and removes every last Jew from their homes, giving in up to Palestinians leaders in bold move for peace. Instead of deciding to live in peace with Israel, Gaza is turnt into a jihadi terror base while Hamas uses people as human shield, encourages to killing and bombing, digs tunnels in kindergartens, hospitals, residential areas and openly call for killing civilian jews all over the world. Meanwhile Israel provides water, gas, electricity into Gaza Strip, gives working permit and treats Gazans in Israeli hospitals.
Gaza has borders with Egypt and Egypt controls the border of RAFAH! Why don't you ask your Egyptian friends to let Gazans flee into Egypt? Maybe they are too scared to have Hamas in Egypt since Hamas came out from Muslim Brotherhood? Btw there are 50 muslims countries in the world. Maybe one of the countries should let them it. But I understand, it is much better to blame Israel.
Wars are never proportional. maybe Israel should have try to locate a music festival in Gaza for instance.. well good luck with that! Should try to find a music festival in Gaza and rape precisely the number of women that Hamas raped. Kill exactly the number of young people that Hamas killed. They should find a town of exactly the same population and size and butcher people in their beds while behead small babies... proportionality and conflict is a joke and your comment dumb. stand up against Hamas not the only democracy in the Middle East!
Well, let's have a short history check!
1920 - Shiite Arab militia altogether with Bedouins killed in Tel Hai jews
1921 - Nabi Musa riots - arabs killing 5 jews, hundreds injured
1921 - Jerusalem - killing and stabbing also kids and women
1929 - Hebron Massacre - 133 jews murdered, over 300 injured.
This was way before the establishment of the country, stop supporting violence and educate yourself!
Hamas is a 3rd richest terrorist organisation, makes over 700 million USD per year! Hamas leaders live lives of luxury in Qatar while using billions to create rockets, tunnels and terrorise citizens of Gaza Strip! Stand up against Hamas and not the only democratic country in the Middle East that provides electricity, water, gas, medication and working permits to Gazans and in return get bombs and terrorist attacks!
O Jews live in Ramallah. 0 Jews live in Nablus. 0 Jews live in Jenin. 0 Jews live in Gaza. BUT APROX 2 MILLION ARABS LIVE AS FREE CITIZENS IN ISRAEL. But yes, tell me about the apartheid.
Israel grants equal rights to all its citizens, including Jews, Druze, Christians, and Muslims, with a significant 21% Arab population. The fact that the third-largest party in the Israeli parliament is Arab. Arabs are in military, judiciary, academia, entertainment, and the medical field. Prominent figures like George Karra, Samer Haj Yehia, Hisham Ibrahim, Lucy Aharish, and Lucy Ayoub are evidence of this diverse representation. Notably, 21% of doctors and nurses in Israel are Arabs, with an impressive 48% of new doctors this year coming from the Arab community! Show me one country in the ME where women can wear and do whatever they want, LGBTQ+ can live freely.
The Palestinian identity was created in 1964 as a political issue, not an indigenous issue. As a political and national entity, the concept is new and should NOT be weaponised to create alternative facts. Everyone under the British Mandate was called Palestinian - Jews, Arabs, Druiz, Beduins, Christians,..it has never been a country nor a nation. The term is known since Arafat's (one of the worst and richest Egyptian terrorists) famous speech 1974 in the UN. Since then UNWRA started this whole process and made something out of it with a budget of 600 million USD a year while working only and exclusively for "palestinian refugees". And of course, it is the only status of "refugee" that is inheriting. Please, have you ever asked where all the money is?
Learn to read your book! The Quran saying Allah assigned Israel to the Jews until the Day of Judgement (Sura 5 Verse 21), and that Jews are the inheritors of Israel (Sura 26 Verse 59). Quran actually confirms Jewish accounts of the building of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem and supports the Biblical claim that the land of Israel was given to the Jews by God.Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel (In Surah al-Ahraf (of the Barrier), verse 137 the Quran explicitly refers to the return of the Jews to the Land of Israel before the Last Judgment when it says in the Surah of the Children of Israel, verse 104 According to this Quranic proof, the contemporary Zionist rebuilding of the State of Israel—the third entry of the Jews to their divinely appointed land—is not mischief but rather a fulfillment of what Imam az-Zamakshari reminds the Jews: “God swore it and wrote in the Divine Tablets of Predestination: that it is yours, belongs to your people and do not turn back from it.”
The West Bank and Gaza under Israeli economy was one of the most dynamic economies on the planet with a decade of growth at a rate of roughly 25 % per year from 1969 to 1979, but the Palestinian entrepreneurship collapsed following PLO’s rise to power.
Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Fatah and all the terror groups have one thing in common - they don't care about their citizens. They live outside Gaza in Qatar, Iran. Their only goal is to destroy Jews. It has nothing to do with "Palestinians", it is about global jihad. Stop blaming Israel and start speaking up against terrorism!
Israel took territories in a DEFENSIVE WAR, then RETURNED THEM in exchange for peace when the option was available. Israel gave up the entire oil-rich Sinai Peninsula (which is bigger that than Israel itself) in exchange for peace with Egypt.
Where is the evidence? Holocaust deniers like you waited decades to deny atrocities, you degenerates with video couldn't even wait a week to deny the massacre of Jews.
Check the source before you spread disinformation as unfortunately majority of Arabs do while living nowadays in developed countries and enjoying the complete freedom majority of their ancestors didn’t even dream of. Instead of fighting and blaming the only democracy in the ME, check the facts and be against terrorists!
If Israel wouldn’t develop iron dome to protect its own people (mind you also Arab populations which live inside Israel - druz, bedouins, palestinians) you’ll see blood much worse than the exploding shahid buses they experienced on a daily basis during the intifadas.